Tuesday, March 10, 2009


my video prof. humiliated me in front of the entire class today.
i cried.
i never cry.

i can't wait to be basking in the sun...


  1. oh liz....i am so sorry. i saw corbin tonight in hodges. he was delivering an Oscar's pizza to someone in the library. he said your prof made fun of the way you talk. not that i'm going to, but this makes me wanna come to your class and punch Norman Magden right in the face.

    sorry, i had to say that. that completely frustrates me. i'd like to see your film sometime soon because i wanna give you the credit you rightfully deserve.

  2. that is the lamest thing ever.
    1. you don't deserve it, and
    2. people in the position to make or break a person's views of themselves and their skills, need not be assholes.

    makes me want to let the air out of his tires or something.

    i agree with will though, i'd love to see your film :)

  3. liz...i rather adore you.
    you should never be made to cry on behalf of another person, especially a professor.

    again, i adore you, you beautiful woman you.
